Resilience: A Makeover

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Seven months. Three major revisions. An unwavering drive to succeed.

Read the previous article HERE

Complete Teardown & Rebuild

For the last two builds of Resilience, I had used the exact same frame. A 21 year old Diamondback frame that I retrofitted with an engine and fuel tank. This time, I wanted to take my build to the next level – I bought a frame specifically designed for motorized bikes.

The frame I decided to use for my build

In order to transition to this new frame, I tore down Resilience’s old frame and began to assemble her on this new frame of mine. I attached my old wheels, seat, and front fork to the frame and was left with a good representation of what the frame was going to look like on the bike.

This is a picture of Resilience assembled (without the engine), with the old wheels.

Mag Wheels?

One major issue I ran into while working on my second version of Resilience was the rear wheel slowly migrating out of true. This was due to the sheer amount of horsepower I was putting straight through the spokes, which would lead to bending and snapping of spokes, and subsequently sending the wheel out of true.

Mag wheels after being installed onto Resilience!

I was able to pick up ten-spoke mag wheels off of BikeBerry’s website during their Black Friday sale for about $100. These wheels were all one piece, and would never migrate out of true. Furthermore, these wheels came with disc brakes and a pre-installed motorized bike sprocket! This helped me solve my drivetrain issues and make Resilience’s drivetrain so much more reliable.

I had never installed disc brakes before, so in all honesty I probably installed them wrong. Either way, they work!

Engine Mounting

Mounting the engine to Resilience’s new frame was a breeze. This frame was specially designed to fit an engine in the V-slot, so I had more than enough clearance to mount the engine.

I was able to mount the engine without any special modifications or clearance issues!

I decided to rubber-mount the engine to the frame, hopefully to dampen vibrations and prevent the nuts from rattling loose when revving high.


Resilience’s headlight mounted on the handlebars!

For this build of Resilience, I wanted to add more electronics to the build and make her safer at the same time. The first order of business was to add a headlight. However, I didn’t want some cheap, crappy battery operated headlight. I bought a cheap headlight on Amazon and modified it to be able to take 3.3-5VDC through two wires emerging out the top of it. I connected the headlight to an AC/DC converter that would be hooked up to the magneto.

The electronics bay I designed for Resilience

That might sound complicated, but it’s honestly really simple. I just connected the magneto to both the CDI and the AC/DC converter with a switch, so I can toggle the AC/DC converter on & off at will.

A completed build.

The full build.

This is what Resilience looks like now. I’m not sure how much longer I’m gonna be working on her, as it’s getting VERY cold out and I don’t like riding in the cold. From here, I’ll probably be working much more on HORIZON II and getting the avionics for HORIZON working great. Honestly, I just work on whatever I feel like (my last post on Resilience was supposed to be the last, but I got carried away!). I guess we’ll see where my projects take me next =)