Even though Circuit Wizardry is primarily a blog about my robotics and 3D printing projects, I also have a real…
Two months ago, I wrote a blog post on battery safety and how to keep your lithium-ion batteries from exploding…
…the technology that goes into battery protection and management // A while ago, I began working on one of the most ambitious projects I’ve started to date. While I still can’t share the details, the project requires a large battery pack, with custom-designed electronics. We’ve all heard the horror stories of large battery packs inside…
Not only am I running Circuit Wizardry and attempting to maintain two products on the market, but I am actively designing and building a thrust vectored rocket, as well as working thirty-two hour weeks as an automotive technician. All of this to say that I’ve got a lot on my plate. In this blog post,…
Starting a small business when you’re in high school can be difficult and time-consuming. There’s always going to be some element of risk, especially when your product is a new invention altogether. Despite all the projections and estimates you plan for, you’ll never really know how well the product will sell until you’ve already sunk…
If you’re interested in computer science and you’re in high school, one of the best ways to learn the “art of computer programming” is through the AP Computer Science A class. But what if you don’t have time for the AP class in your schedule, and you still want to take the AP Comp Sci…